What started it all…..

…or at least what really started me thinking about furniture and the whole look of a room was finding this 50′s / 60′s drinks cabinet.

One person’s trash is another’s treasure, as they say, and this piece of treasure was waiting for me on Iliffe Street in South London (where 1930s London was briefly recreated back in 2009 to film some outdoor scenes for The King’s Speech) and couldn’t believe my eyes!
A friend came to the rescue and helped me get it home, and I found that after years of living in rented accommodation with pretty basic furniture, its arrival inspired me to take more pride my room, although my ‘interior-style’ was a bit of a mish-mash!
Years later, the cabinet resides in our slightly 60′s tinged living room, and everything has else has fallen into place.
Growing up, I always loved Del Boy’s drinks cabinet in his Peckham flat, and I’m quietly pleased that such an unlikely (but much loved) character from my childhood has influenced my grown-up style.

Incidentally, above ‘Del’ hangs a print from the amazing Dorothy collective – ‘The Colour of Popular Music’ which is essentially a colour chart naming 154 bands & artists  with a colour in their title.

Dorothy_0034_Colour of Music_newDorothy_0034_Colour of Music_b

The graphic shape of the colour chart really fits in with the sixties essence in the room, and of course hints at our love of music.

  E x

PS:  Earlier today I spotted their latest work, an astrological map of Hollywood stars and movies, and I absolutely love it, especially the ‘Golden Age’ limited edition version!

DOROTHY_Star Chart Golden Age_Limited Edition_Close Up A

It is both beautiful, and incredibly clever.